It has been the practice for many years for the IJTMSK to host (or co-host) several events throughout the year. From fun & educational seminars to exciting exhibitions and/or tournaments, not to mention dan rank testing which is usually accompanied by festive promotion ceremonies. Unfortunately due to the global pandemic, arranging such gatherings became virtually impossible, with regard to safety restrictions and general health concerns, which often varied from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.
It is our intention to get back on track with holding such events in the near future, as soon as it becomes more feasible to do so. Things were beginning to look up with many restrictions being lifted and then the Delta Variant struck, causing a resurgence of shutdowns, followed by the Omicron and other variants, with inconsistent guidelines being administered in various locations. So that put us back to a “wait & see” manner of operation with regard to hosting events.
Thank you for your understanding during these trying times. It's as frustrating for us as we're sure it is for you. JUN TONG!
It’s a well known fact that the IJTMSK has always hosted or co-hosted, several events throughout the year. From fun & educational seminars to exciting exhibitions and/or tournaments, not to mention dan rank testing which is usually accompanied by festive promotion ceremonies. Unfortunately due to the COVID pandemic which affected the USA mainly during 2020, arranging such gatherings became virtually impossible with regard to safety restrictions and general health concerns. And due to the Delta, Omicron, and other variants that followed (and whether or not people had been vaxxed, and later given booster shots), the guidelines for gatherings of large groups often differed greatly from one jurisdiction to another, thus extending the difficulties to hold such events far into 2021 as well.
We are planning to hold such events again in the near future, now that it has become more feasible to do so. But first we need to strengthen our network of affiliated members which have fallen off the radar, so to speak, having gotten out of the habit of checking in with us about current trends in the martial arts and what we can offer them with regard to things in general, not to mention any specifics in which they might be interested.
Once all this can be reestablished, we can get back to the business of hosting events on a regular basis, just like we did in the past. Until we receive more feedback, however, we’re still observing a “wait & see” manner of operation with regard to hosting any major events.
Thank you for your understanding during this trying time. It’s been as frustrating for us as we know it’s been for you. JUN TONG!
The International Jun Tong Mu Sool Kwan™ has a long history of providing fun & educational seminars as well as having plenty of experience in hosting fairly judged yet well organized tournaments. Allow us to assist you with your next big event. We look forward to working with you or in providing any necessary guidance to help get the job done. More information about sponsored events can be found below. JUN TONG!
This paragraph represents details about a NEW EVENT which has yet to be scheduled, including dates, venue, start time & duration, etc. Hopefully it will work as a satisfactory placeholder until all the actual details can be sorted out.
The International Jun Tong Mu Sool Kwan™ (IJTMSK) is an officially and internationally recognized organization of traditional Korean martial arts schools and
practitioners, operating under the direction and guidance of Grandmaster John B. Murphy.
The International Jun Tong Mu Sool Kwan™ is authorized and fully accredited by the Republic of Korea, via the Hanminjok Hapkido Association.
World Kido Federation
The World Kido Federation is one of the most respected and renowned Korean Martial Arts organizations in the world. It is led by a first generation martial artist, Grandmaster In Sun Seo, 10th Dan, whose martial arts history dates back to 1958.
Hanminjok Hapkido Association
Hanminjok Hapkido Association is the largest hapkido association in Korea and abroad, with over 550 member schools in Korea alone. Areas of focus include hapkido training and seminars, grading and testing, competition and world championships, marketing and publications, grants and martial arts education, plus the expansion of hapkido across the globe!
Kukkiwon, also known as World Taekwondo Headquarters and home of the World Taekwondo Academy, is the official taekwondo governing organization established by the South Korean government. It is supervised by the International Sports Division of the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism.
Kuk Sool Global Alliance
KSGA, formed in early 2009 so that any martial art school which structures its main focus on the system known as Kuk·Sool can easily connect to other martial art schools that are also based on Kuk·Sool, regardless of which governing body or martial art organization that the Alliance member may be a part of. The main objective of the Alliance is to encourage interaction & support among Kuk·Sool stylists while remaining to be FREE of politics and politicking.
Korean Buddhist Martial Arts Association
The KBMAA (also known as Korean Bulgyo Musool Association or KBMA) does not require conversion to Buddhism in order to seek participation or membership, as it welcomes anyone who is willing to engage in the programs of the association, regardless of their personal faith or beliefs. Originally founded in 1968 at Jogyesa Temple in Seoul, South Korea, for the purposes of research, development and training, the Korean Buddhist Martial Arts Association continues in this vein today promoting a holistic and distinctly Buddhist approach to the practice and teaching of Korean Martial Arts.